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[Temasek Polytechnic]
[Montfort Secondary]


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Ming Xian



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Thursday, July 26, 2007
9:30 PM

Mary, I can also draw :)
Doesnt she look a bit like Umbridge from Harry Potter? If she is a bit fatter.

And some harry potter lame jokes.

- My groupmate actually cant pronouce the word heredity as her English is a bit bad. And we actually discovered that heredity = harry didi

- And harry potter in hokkien is harry puah toh = harry fall down

Whahaha, so funny, Johnathan

Wednesday, July 25, 2007
11:25 AM


Im now in the computer lab waiting for my teammates to rehearse for our presentation.
Half an hour passed. And we're still waiting for the last one :)

Before i forget, someone had just passed me a brochure on "You Are Special! - All About Self Esteem". Seriously, do i look like i have self esteem problems?? huh, Huh! HUHH!!! As I was typing this, the person beside me told me: " You look like you have very high self esteem de lo"
Not really through though.

Its been a long time since ive drive and i miss it. I miss looking at blindspots and lane change by overtaking other cars. My next lesson is in August and I still have to wait.

And I realised that ive yet to take pictures for a long time after posting the so-outdated pictures.

I feel that im gifted, er hem, in drawing human portraits. They look just so alike, alive.

Good nite.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
7:11 PM

Photos :) for you

At the ToyMuseum
Great Emo Act

Half a head taller
than Brenda
Expression twice as cute

Still at the museum
Jumping on the world's longest Hopscotch
Not really know how to play though

Chefs who cant cook
im the one directly under the aircon

Toy Gun

Mickey Mouse
Some decade ago

Im with specs

Birthday Celebrations
Lay Yian and I

Gun and knife


Sunday, July 15, 2007
12:19 PM

Ive watched Harry Potter at Lido 1. I think it is the biggest cinema that I went before. And i finally realise the difference between digital movie shows and non digital ones. You know those irritating flickering black little spots that appear on and off during the show, you dont get it at digital movie shows. And the sound at the cinema was great as well, it is one of the most enjoyed movie I had. And I had been thinking, its an Unparalled experience for me. I liked Umbridge particularly, I think shes got style. And I felt that Dumbledore was not fat enough. He looked pretty haggard and slim for a great wizard.

Ive been reading the book version of the movie, completed till about 100 plus pages, the part where Umbridge arrived at Hogwarts. But did not go any further, as I can't really read books. Reading them makes me a bit sleepy. I shall continue reading the book and finish it. The movie was awesome and reading gives me a better command of English. Talking about books, I borrowed 5 books from the library on Friday. "reading makes you sleepy and youre borrowing books, collecting dust at home." I borrowed design/art/illustration books. Books with lots of pictures. I feel that im in the wrong course now.

And i went to pay library fines as well. I went to the counter and said I wanted to pay my fines. The lady scanned my card and replied that I had accumulated a total of $1.80 of fines. Just at the moment, i realised that my wallet is empty. ooppps. "You dont have the money and yet you are walking up to the counter saying you want to pay FINES"

In my bag, there is a stash that contains one dollar coins for pool playing at school. That is heng for me. If not I would be so embarrassed.

Talking about embarrassment. There was this day when i boarded the bus, listening to my music and scanned the Ez link card and walked to the rear and sit comfortably. It was a double decker. And moments after all the people had boarded the bus. I was thinking why the bus was not moving. And I saw the bus uncle coming out and apparently, he is talking in my direction. ooppps, my card was of negative value and so had to pay cash. Wah. Its so not not nice. Im wondering if the uncle was like shouting or calling for me when i walked to the rear. And will he come up to the upper deck to find me if I proceeded to the upper deck.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007
6:18 PM

Im sort of down with a scheduled eye infection. It happened around 5 to 6 pm in the evening for both Monday and Tuesday. Had to remove the contacts and then gradually, the itchyness stops. Will see for Wednesday. Probably the infection was due to prolong wearing of contacts cos lessons for Monday and Tuesday started at 9am and lasted till around 4. Which is like 10 hours by evening. Eyes, nothing must happen to the both of you. RECOVER.

Im doing the design part of the thumbdrive product that our group wanted to come up with for the business entreprise subject. One of our unique selling point is the design of the thumbdrive and ive been busy designing. And our team has decided to go with Nbox as the name of our hipier USB storage that targets students. Why Nbox? The N can be read as Ant or End. Ant = small with means it is small while End refers that this is going to be your last thumbdrive cause you wont lose it easily with the security features and most importantly it is durable which includes reliable data transfer and is able to sustain crushforce of 3000 pounds and below.

I've been quite enthusiastic bout it. And have given quite a few thought, producing some ideas which i think was creative, out of the box and people in my group quite oppose with my ideas. Maybe its not feasible, its ok for me. But something mattered, I was enthusiastic and people poured some cold water on me. I wanted to make it a good one. And there was this kind of response that I could read from people's brain though it was not mentioned out. "This is a Business Entreprise project, think do not need to focus so much on the design aspect ba." I'll still continue to be passionate in my design. Maybe teachers also dont appreciate that, but ive put in my big big effort in it.

And one more thing that I wish to say, I do give a lot of ideas during project discussions and many of them were rejected. Especially this semester. Im ok with the rejection, though it maybe a bit hard to swallow. But I had swallowed, with minimal hard feelings. Since my ideas were rejected, when they were rejected maybe you all should have other ideas. But there were like none. And when no one could think of any idea, my rejected idea was put back in place to use again. I dont like substituition.

Groupmates reading this, no hard feelings.

Here's my design of our Nbox logo

And the graphics that i have come out with:

For the launch of Nbox, there will be 3 series of Nbox Skins

1. The Japonaise - inspired by the elegance of japanese kimono ladies targeting corporate ladies

2. Graphic Printables - a hip, non-conventional thought evoking series

3. ShoutOuts - words that convey messages, Eg. Im bitchy with days ending with Y's. (soon to be done)

Wednesday, July 4, 2007
4:05 PM

Had lunch at my school's training restaurant THE TABLE TOP today. Food and service was good. But you'll have to book in advance, 67806369 to have lunch there. Set menu at $10. Nice ambience and most importantly, it is run by HTM students.

And had a nice moment today, that brightens my day. A teacher was asking if I was going on Overseas internship, and No, I wasnt going. And she named one of the HTM student and said that you know that person, ya, hes going overseas. Its good experience and you'll learn alot of things when youre alone there. Away from your friends and families and familiar surroundings. And I said hes good what. So Overseas can train him to be an even better person.

What made my day was,
And the teacher replied that youre also good what.

Maybe some of you might, chey. Do you? :) Just sharing with you all.

Then went for my tutorial class. And received another piece of good news. I had gotten back a nice test result. Woohoooo, hard work does pays off, at times.

Again, some of you might think, haolian lo. Do you? :) I was thinking if some of the people reading my blog will think that way. But really nice friends will feel happy for me instead of you know... Recently ive been trying to anticipate how my friends will react to my actions or words. So, im trying to reduce conflict between me and my friends. Not saying that we have lots of conflicts. But it is an effort on my part. Friends, read this and you'll be somehow touched. Maybe, you will? or wont. And it applies to families as well.

With these 2 nice things that happened within an hour. Today has been a great day.

On, Tuesday, I went for project consultation, and 2 lectures. One of the lecture, i went alone, crashing another diploma's lecture timeslot. Saw a few other HTM students there as well. And what was remarkable was that I overheard someone in front of me, able to identify each of us as HTM students. Thats so smart of him. And its kind of wrong for us to crash ppl's lecture as it resulted in a lack of seats for the people who was supposed to go for the lecture at that time slot.

And recently, I discovered that carrying a baby can give you muscleaches.

Swam 30 laps in the evening. Usual routine should be 40 but yesterday was like tired. Felt like sleeping at the pool. Its been a long time haven been to swimming lately and even a long long longer time been to running.

And for 2 days, ive been having very good nightsleeps.

More updates soon!!