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Friday, June 15, 2007
11:12 AM

Have been taking driving lessons. The lessons were fun and driving an AUTO car is simple. Though the lessons are quite simple, it makes me turn my neck left and right to somehow an extreme angle to check for blindspots. Nevertheless it is still fun. Will be having 200 minutes of driving fun this afternoon. And ive passed my Final Theory and hence ive gotten my practical test date, 29 Sep 2007. Grandma says that I should go Guan Yin Temple to pray before I take my test. I can finally drive soon.

Yesterday went to watch movie at marina sq. Dinner at the open air area of the food court. Talked quite a bit. 6 of us. 1 left for home, then the rest went to the arcade. And we raced cars, Daytona's beginner course. Btw, what constitudes a immediate failure during your practical test? Failing to stop at the stop line and crossing over the double white lines. And the 150 bucks which you paid for your test is gone. crappy. And i saw 2 htm people at citylink. Both were actually my classmates from art class.

Had project meeting in school the day before yesterday. It is a productive one. And ive actually volunteered to do market research and the marketing aspect of the project. VOLUNTEERED. I was quite passionate bout doing marketing stuff at that point of time but i guessed the passion died down somehow today. But still, I'll still try to do a good job out of it. Had pork special for lunch at the school's canteen. 4 dollars, is a bit expensive at the school's level. But it was nice. The dish had about 6 pieces of breaded pork loin dressed with cheddar cheese and thick brown sauce topped with jalepenos accompanied with the normal western set meal sides. Went swimming in the evening, completed 30 laps but spent about 2 hours at the pool. As we were talking and swimming at a 2laps rest 5 minutes kind of pace. I finally timed my best speed for a lap. And its 40 seconds. Then had dinner at AMK hub with my family. Day ends.

Going for car driving now, See you'all soon.

Thursday, June 7, 2007
12:16 PM

Tests ended on Tuesday

Q1. Went for an interview with CAAS. I wore a shirt, pants and leather shoes. The others wore blazers and ties. They were so formal that I seemed rather informal. The perception error that is likely to happen in the interview:

a) Fundamental attribution error
b) Contrast effect
c) Halo effect

Q2. There is one specific activity that most uncles and aunties enjoy with the government. This activity can also be considered as a hobby. This hobby has this miraculous ability to turn money into paper.


Mail in your answers to stand a chance to win a free self-portrait drawing worth $50.

Monday, June 4, 2007
7:21 PM

18th birthday at UOB building

While studying,
I discovered

One lame joke about organisational behaviour

There are 3 needs theory and they are Maslows, McClellands and Alderfers.

Maslow and Alderfer state that humans have inherant needs. While McClelland argued that needs are only arise when learning has taken place. Why? Why of all things learning?

It is because:

McClelland - how you pronouce his name? Mac_Clare_learn

11:05 AM

Im back at home after the calculus test.

My calculus teacher is forcing me to use his method that he taught instead of the unorthodox method (he gave me the feeling that my method is the 2nd class method) that my sec teacher taught me. And he said that his method is better as it is applicable to all functions while mine has its limitations.

Ya, he is right and he has proven it in his test paper.

At least he knows how to set the paper to test students.

and holidays are coming in less then 28 hours.

7:44 AM

Im early today. Test this morning and another tmr. Have been really unproductive this weekend. Was procrastinating studying for my tuesday test. I think for me, I will only study when the urgency comes, unlike the hardworking me in the past. Which means im studying it only after this morning's test.

Good Luck - score 100marks, Calculus Students.

Saturday, June 2, 2007
5:24 PM

Orchestras for Pirates, FF7, FF8 and FF10

Orchestras are amazing, they tend to bring you to a certain level and let you fall and how you wished life was just smooth-sailing. Its always touching if you personally like and know the piece that they are playing. isnt it? And we should visit esplanade more often.

Pirates of the Carribean gutsy theme song, liked the middle part most. Had watched part I and II, will be watching III soon.

This FF7 theme song always gave me headaches. While playing the game, cloud will have to wander around the world map. That is the part that gave me headache.

FF8 was played on computer and I had completed like maybe 6 times?

Had only played the final boss part. FF10, To Zanarkand

Friday, June 1, 2007
10:26 AM

My artpiece of 101 views of the cap is finally done. The assignment requires us to draw 101 views of an object and all 101 views must be different. After an arduous journey of approximately 12 hours, i'll be submitting on tuesday.

Today is a sunny day. Normally, the sun shines quite brightly in the morning and tends to fade off in the afternoon as there are more clouds. But it rained heavily today.

Did my online quiz and copied more notes for Organizational behaviour. I used a drawing pen to write and it was spoilt after that.